APA offers a general page on in-text citations.
The following rules apply generally to referring to works within your paper (refer to the other tabs for how to format your Reference page).
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Quotations always require the page number of the source. For non-paginated material, include the paragraph number when possible (Robinson, 1999, para. 7), or the heading or section name when not (Robinson, 1999, Musical Forays section, para. 4).
Short quotes (under 40 words): Short quotes should be placed within quotation marks in the body of your text.
Long quotes (over 40 words): Are not placed in quotation marks. Rather, they are set aside in block text, starting on a new line and indenting 0.5 inches from the left margin, using a the same indentation for every line.
Paraphrasing or summarizing: Do not require page numbers, but they are encouraged.
Standard format for an APA in-text citation:
(Author, Year, page number)
Example: (Hauser, 2014, p. 45)
Unknown or Organizations as Authors