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Lies, Misinformation, and Disinformation: Resources on Evaluating Information

Helpful definitions and tips for identifying fake news and understanding what it means to live in a post-truth world.

Crash Course: Evaluating Information (Navigating Digital Information)

Evaluating Evidence: Crash Course Navigating Digital Information

"Today we’re going to focus on how to tell good evidence from bad evidence and maybe importantly, how to identify 'Fine, but that doesn’t actually prove your point' evidence - the stuff that the Internet is built on."

Recommended Reading - Articles

Fact-Checking Tools: Verifying Images and Videos

Fact-Checking Tools: Verifying Images and Videos

Craig Silverman (News Media Editor) and Jane Lytvynenko (News Reporter) from Buzzfeed News teach viewers how to perform a reverse image search to find the source of photos and videos on the internet to verify their authenticity. 

Teaching Material

Crash Course: Lateral Reading (Navigating Digital Information)

Check Yourself with Lateral Reading: Crash Course Navigating Digital Information

"Look to your left. Look to your right. Look at this video. Today, John Green is going to teach you how to read laterally, using multiple tabs in your browser to look stuff up and fact check as you read. Real-time fact-checking an help you figure out what's real and what's not on the internet."


I would like to give credit to Joe Hardenbrook of Carroll University.  Most of the information used to create this guide is from his libguide made for Carroll's Library.

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