Source. Contributor(s), Distributor, Year of Release.
Note: MLA 8th allows writers to add contributors (cinematographers, performers, adapters, etc.) if they are important to the text of the paper. Include, at least, director or creator. Films and standalone books are sources. Italicize them and follow them with a period.
The Grand Budapest Hotel. Directed by Wes Anderson, performance by Ralph Fiennes, Fox Searchlight
Pictures, 2014.
Moonrise Kingdom. Directed by Wes Anderson, cinematography by Robert Yeoman, Universal Studios
Home Entertainment, 2012.
Streaming Video
The Illusionists: A Film about the Globalization of Beauty. Created by Elena Rossini, Media Education
Foundation, 2015,
Television Episode
"Source." Container, Contributors, season number, episode number, Distributor,
"Coda." Endeavor, created by Russell Lewis, directed by Oliver Blackburn, season
3, episode 4, ITV Studios, 2016.
MLA Handbook. 8th edition, Modern Language Association of America, 2016.