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Technology Tools : Presentation

Technology tools for presentations, visual aids, feedback and more.

PowerPoint Alternatives


An alternative to the "slide" mode of presentation.  Requires you to create a free account; can upgrade to a paid account.

Google Drive - Presentation App

Another useful tool is the presentation application that is available through Google Drive.  With you Defiance College email, you have easy access to all of the Google Applications.  Simply go to Google Drive, click on the New "button" and select Google Slides. This application is very similar to PowerPoint. 

Host & Share your Presentation Online

The products listed below allow you to upload an existing PowerPoint and host them online.  Why would you bother with this?  

  • Most of these products generate embed codes that allow you to embed your presentation in your Moodle page or websites. 
  • May permit larger file types, so you can link to the complete presentation instead of splitting it to upload into Moodle. 
  • Allows you to share the presentation beyond your class and get feedback or start discussions between students and the public. 
  • Creates another copy of your presentation in case you lose your flash drive or the computer you use doesn't have the right version of PowerPoint.

Turn your Presentations into Video

By turning your presentation into a video, you gain the ability to add audio to your slides. These tools make it easy by taking pictures of your screen as you click through your slides. 

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