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Faculty Academic Continuity Resources: LEVERAGING MOODLE


STEP 1: Decide if class will be taught Synchronously or Asynchonously

  • Synchronous class (where participants see, hear and or interact with each other at the same place and time) during your normally held class time (be sure students are aware of time zone differences with this selection). Google Meets will be provided for use that allows for online real-time, interactive classes. In Google Meets you can share your computer screen, poll students, live chat and open breakout rooms for smaller discussions. Details on how to use these features is forthcoming.
    • You must have a clearly articulated attendance policy if you do this type of delivery. This includes expectations for signing in, participation and other relevant ways to measure attendance.
  • Asynchronous class (where participants work independently on instructor created or distributed content with specific days and times for work due)


  • All courses at DC have an associated Moodle course site.
  • Detailed instructions must be provided for all assignments, online meetings and technology.  This means you will need to update your syllabus and post on Moodle.  Please post at the top of the Moodle page under announcements as an uploaded file.  There is no need to send the updated syllabi to VPAA office, as they will be accessed on Moodle pages for all faculty.  
    • Please do not require students to purchase additional materials for the course at this time
  • Upload all assessment rubrics with assignments allowing for clear expectations of assignments and grading
  • Office hours are required and detail how you will hold them (via email, phone call, instant message in Google, Google Voice App, etc).  Include this information on the syllabus.


Frequent communication with students is essential for easing anxiety and answering questions about expectations

  • Use Moodle announcements
  • Create virtual office hours via chat, email or phone calls
  • Be flexible for you and the students 
  • Let students know you are accessible
  • Reduce complexity and focus only on your course, let Defiance College handle broader questions and concerns about the crisis
  • Be sure you let students know
    • How you will be communicating and keep it consistent 
    • When you will be communicating and how often
    • How should students communicate with you
    • How should students communicate with each other, if relevant


Using Moodle, you can structure your course content in a clear, organized manner. Learning objectives from your in-class sessions should guide your online content.

  • Your course site can be organized in either weekly or topics format. The default format is weekly. Your course will automatically have a block, or section, for each week of the semester. Relevant readings, assignments, etc. can be placed together within each week's block.
  • Setup should include all materials (such as readings, PowerPoint presentations, videos etc.), assignment, and assessments.
  • All materials must be converted to PDF’s so students can read them on their phones
    • This is a requirement for successful learning 
    • This will avoid grade disputes at the end of the term


  • Check online to see if there are comparable resources that you can use in place of your lecture.
  • Check sites such as Merlot, TED, OER resources, National Science Digital Library, DC LinkedIn Learning etc. Attribute these resources accurately in Moodle.
  • Check with the DC Libraries to see if there are videos or articles that can deliver the intended content.

If you do need to modify or create content for the Moodle environment, please review the following table, which provides recommendations for content delivery and technologies to facilitate your efforts.

Face to Face Class

Synchronous Class Plan

Asynchronous Class Plan


Google Meets during class time

Record lecture to PowerPoint to narrate and post to Moodle.  Keep to 6 minute segments or less.  

Guest speakers

If available, have them use Google Meets with the class.

Find a Ted Talk on the topic and write a speaker reflection

Find a Ted Talk on the topic and write a speaker reflection

Student presentations

Students present in real time using Google Meets

Students record presentation and upload to Moodle 

Small group discussion or work

Create a discussion board with parameter requirements for posting including time and length

Exams and quizzes

Schedule oral exams with students via Google Meets

Require students to show room they are taking exam in to ensure no violations of integrity.  Have a policy in exam that they cannot leave the room.  

Peer review writing session

Have students upload papers to Moodle, and send them to students.

Science labs

Google Meets video to observe lab done by faculty

Find virtual labs online

Upload video for students to watch lab conducted by faculty

Find virtual labs online 


In the absence of face-to-face interaction, it is important for students to have a sense of connection with the instructor and the learning community. Some courses rely on classroom discussions to enhance student engagement. Using Moodle discussion boards, you can move the conversations online to simulate a discussion in a digital environment. Create questions and prompts that require complex thinking and application of ideas to avoid repetitive student responses.

  • Forums – How to create a discussion forum documentation coming soon!
  • Student Groups – How to add groups to my Moodle course documentation coming soon!


Moodle supports online quizzes and the submission of online assignments. Here are several resources for moving your assessments to Moodle:

Pilgrim Library:   
  Click the purple "Ask Us" side tab above