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Faculty Academic Continuity Resources: FACULTY FAQ


What should faculty do for lab activities? 

Please note that the closure of in-person classes does not indicate the closure of all educational activities. Specific instructions will be given in the event of closures of laboratory research, and other hands-on activities. 

How should faculty communicate with students about academic continuity?  

Faculty should establish a communication plan with their students and provide detailed instructions on how to access the Moodle platform in the course syllabus. 

Can I make changes to the syllabus? 

Yes, within reason. Any change to the syllabus should be communicated to students with specific attention to the changed elements. Please remember to update and post your revised syllabus to your Moodle course. 

Do I still need to hold office hours? 

Yes, students need a way to ask questions and receive answers in a timely manner. 

How can I promote academic integrity within my course? 

For plagiarism detection, faculty can run documents through Grammarly’s plagiarism checker.  Grammarly’s plagiarism checker highlights the passage in question and provides a link directly from the article it matches.  It does not check student’s papers against other student’s papers.  Click here for: Grammarly Instructions. 

Are there free tools available to record a lecture? 

Try Screencastify  or Loom - 

I want to have a Google Meet office hour that is open to all of my students.  When I create the session, must I add every student's name, or can I somehow make it available to all students without a specific invitation?
What you can do is create the session in Google Calendar, and just copy the link that it gives you. If you post the link in Moodle along with the specific times, all of your students would have access to come and go. You could also send the link via email.  
I am recording the lecture without the students present.  I put the link on Moodle, but I received a request for access notice.  How do I tell Google the students have automatic access to these files?
Here is the process within Drive to make links sharable to students:
1) Right click on video file in Google Drive
2) Click on "Share"
3) Click on "Get sharable link"
4) Copy the link and paste it into a Moodle field or email for students to access.

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