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First Year Experience: Research Help

Helpful information and links for students in the FYE 100 course.

Jacket Search

Search it ALL on Jacket Search! Look for journal articles, books, videos, & more.

Advanced Search


What is Jacket Search?

Jacket Search is a powerful tool that lets you search the Defiance College Library catalog and many research databases with a single search box. It's built on the same platform as several of our databases, so it will look familiar to users of Academic Search Complete, Business Source Complete, and other EBSCO databases.

When should I use Jacket Search?

Jacket Search is the best place to start for identifying information for a general topic, for doing interdisciplinary research, and when looking for a variety of source types. It will help you quickly find relevant resources on a research topic without having to decide which database(s) to search.

You can limit your search results in a variety of ways, including publication date, scholarly designation. The Defiance College Library Catalog is integrated into the search results.

When should I NOT use Jacket Search?

When you are doing research that requires an article from a specific discipline/field of study or a specified academic journal, it is best to go straight to the Journal Finder tab or the Databases A-Z tab located in our homepage' s "Discover Sources" box.  Then you can search those resources directly.  In addition, some of our research databases have powerful search features which are only available in their unique interfaces.  To take advantage of those richer features, you may choose to search that particular database individually.   

Helpful Resources

Pilgrim Library:   
  Click the purple "Ask Us" side tab above