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Faculty Information Guide

Information for full-time and adjunct faculty at Defiance College

DC Syllabus Guidelines

Things to Remember

Consider the following items when creating your syllabus or Moodle course:

  • Link to class resources (journal articles, e-books, PowerPoint slides, etc.) in your course Moodle page for easy access for all students.
  • Consider putting course textbooks and/or media on course reserve.
  • Do not assume your students have strong research skills, even if they are upperclassmen.
    • Schedule a library instruction session to ensure students have the necessary research skills.
    • For more information & other instruction services available, please see: Library Instruction.
  • Reserve space in the library for your class; we have computer labs & collaborative spaces available.
    • We are frequently booked & cannot guarantee space or computers unless a reservation is made.
    • To reserve a space in the Pilgrim Library please see: Building Schedule.
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