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Overview of using Chicago/Turabian to format citations.

Basic Journal Article Citation

Basic Bibliography Entry

Author's last name, Author's first name. "Title of the Article." Name of Publication volume

       (Year): pages.

For journal articles from a database, include the stable, persistent, or permanent URL provided, as well as the accession date.


Scholarly Journal Article - Print



Mueller, Ned. "The Teddy Bears' Picnic: Four-Year-Old Children's Personal Constructs in Relation to

       Behavioural Problems and to Teacher Global Concern."  Journal of Child Psychology and

       Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines 37 (1996): 381-389. 


Scholarly Journal article from a library database


       Christopher D. Bader, "Supernatural Support Groups: Who are the UFO Abductees and

Ritual-Abuse Survivors?" Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 42 (2003): 671,

db=a9h&AN=11280635&site=ehost-live  (accessed July 7, 2010).



          Bader, Christopher D.  "Supernatural Support Groups: Who are the UFO Abductees and

      Ritual-Abuse Survivors?" Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 42 (2003): 669-678.

      =true&db=a9h&AN=11280635&site=ehost-live  (accessed July 7, 2010).

Article from a magazine - Print

Magazines are generally cited the same as journal articles. Citations from magazines for the general public, such as Scientific American, Time, Newsweek, or People, do not require volume or issue number, and the date is not placed in parenthe


Paul Davies, "Are ALIENS Among Us?"  Scientific American, December 2007, 62. 



Davies, Paul.  "Are ALIENS Among Us?"  Scientific American, December 2007, 62-69.

Magazine article from a library database


          Andrew Brandt, "Gummi Bears Trick a Fingerprint Scanner," PC World, August 2004, 125.

db=a9h&AN=13646997&site=ehost-live (accessed July 7, 2010).



Brandt, Andrew. "Gummi Bears Trick a Fingerprint Scanner." PC World, August 2004, 124-125.  


         =true&db=a9h&AN=13646997&site=ehost-live (accessed July 7, 2010).

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